Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Monday, November 10, 2014

Todd is 6 months old

This baby is 6 months old!

We love our little Todd.  He is such a pleasant little guy and really fun to snuggle and kiss!  Grandpa gives the best mashes!
He's rolling all over the place.

And grabs everything in his path 

He loves Aunt Amy.
She's feeding him a bottle here, he takes formula great when we need him to.  I like to top him off before going to bed but he still primarily nurses.

Bath time is getting more exciting now that he rolls!

 Cute little pumpkin at a Halloween party we went to.

But he got to match the Star Wars theme for Trick or Treating 

He's a belly sleeper.  I love his little body.  Not a roll to be found (a first for us) but that makes him easy to carry around.
Look at that face!  So cute!!  He likes oatmeal and rice cereals and a few other things we've fed him.  With the amount of spitting up I'm thinking we should keep this oversized bib on him all the time.

Love my little Todd.  Maybe one of these days he'll stop waking for a feeding at 5:00 AM.  But he's so sweet at that time I just can't make him cry.  Soft mommy this time.  I think things will get a lot more exciting in the next couple months as he starts moving more.  Hold on!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

Lots of fun Halloween activities this year.  The first was the school Monster Mash. 
 We have such a great principal.  She strolled my baby around while I took the others through the Haunted Hallway.
Next up, a Murder Mystery Masquerade that Aaron and I attended.  Aaron's casting as a mechanic couldn't have been more perfect.  He won best actor and costume!
 Onto the Halloween party at the park.  My friend Lisa passed this cute little jumpsuit on for Todd.
 Jedi cousins!
 Cupcake walk
 I love this girl!  So lucky we get to do life together!

 Fun ladies!
We were supposed to wear crazy socks for Bootcamp.  I added a headband and big glasses.  Fun!
Next stop, trunk or treat.

 We found another Vedar!
 Cutest Obi Wan I've ever seen!
 Onto the Halloween piano recital.  So fun!  And so fun to see the progress these two boys are making.  We have the best teacher in the world!
The kids didn't have school on Halloween.  We got 50 cent corn dogs at Sonic...

 ...and free donuts for good grades at Krispie Kreme! 
 All ready to go Trick or Treating!

 Miles is such a great neighbor and friend.  We all did our street together and then Dillon went with Miles for the rest of the evening.
 Going through the loot! As they counted their candy, the boys had so much fun running to the door to hand out candy to the few that came after we got home.  Kids just make Halloween fun!
This sums up the weekend pretty well!

I actually think this boy must be growing or something. He slept until 10:00 on Saturday.  What??  He's growing out of the "crazy toddlers and children that get up at 7:00" thing.
Today we enjoyed our annual Dinner in a Pumpkin  -- on our new dining table!
I tried a new recipe and it was just as fun and yummy! Cousins and the Bishop and his son joined us.
I'm always so grateful to be able to celebrate holidays with children.  They really do make it magical.  Now I just need to get all this candy out of my house before I get fat!  The kids had the option to trade in their candy for money to buy a toy.  Dillon was most motivated by the option. But now all that candy is mine. Ahhh.  I need to hide it from myself!
Happy Halloween!