One good thing about having a baby is it makes me blog as least once a month -- sad. I post little things on Facebook and Instagram all the time but want the important stuff all in one place. I'm struggling a bit.
This really cute baby is 10 months old! We're coming up on a year way too fast!
In the last month he has totally mastered crawling. He's totally abandoned his super cute alligator/army crawl for all fours. He's getting fast.
His favorite place in the stairs. He knows he shouldn't be there, so he likes to crawl over to the stairs, turn back and wave to me. Then he climbs a couple stairs and looks back again. Just waiting for me to come get him. He doesn't know how to get back down, so it's a little scary. I spend a lot of time just sitting on the stairs, trying to show him how to come down backward.
Todd is trying to keep up with his big brothers. He loves them! He lights up whenever any of them pass by.
The fourth tooth came right after the first three and all four and really in now. Nothing on top yet. He really likes to eat and we're giving him more pieces of real food -- i.e. cinnamon raisin bagels!
I think he's really smart. I'm totally biased, but I think he's brilliant. He totally waves and sometimes even says "ba ba" with it. He mimics hand and arm movements (loves wheels on the bus) and if he finds a comb he puts it up to his head, or mine. It's so fun to see him discovering the world around him and how everything works. No longer a little infant, this boy is ready to go!
Cream Fried Eggs
1 day ago