Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Friday, September 18, 2009

First Day of Preschool

My big Dillon started preschool this week. They had an open house on Monday where we stayed and played with him (and personalized his tote bag) and then Wednesday was his first day to go to preschool all by himself. Some of the kids were crying and having a hard time saying bye to Mommy---not Dillon! I barely stole a kiss from him before he ran off to play. He loves preschool and wishes he could go every day, not just 3 days a week.
His hair is so hard to do! It is so thick and so straight and has a definite direction it wants to go.
Wesley loves Dillon's school just as much as his brother. Each time we drop Dillon off it's hard to get Wes to leave with me. He's growing up faster than I want. He wants to be big like his brother.

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