Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Friday, November 19, 2010

Aaron and I were cast in our stake's production of Savior of the World in late August and have been busy preparing ever since. And here we are----show week! Family night was Monday, dress rehearsal Tuesday and Wednesday was the first ticketed performance. We've gotten better every night. Two more performances and it'll all be over---which I have mixed feelings about. I'll post more thoughts and pictures later but just know that it has somewhat taken over our lives, in a good way---despite the dirty house, neglected children and Aaron's job on the line--j/k. My testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ has been strengthened and I truly do know that He lives. I am so grateful for this opportunity to study more intensely His birth and resurrection. Stay tuned to find out how it all turned out...


Sarah and Trent said...

What a wonderful experience! I am jealous you got to participate!!

Tiffany said...

Ok, I must be really out of the loop, cuz I just heard your exciting baby news today... :) Congrats!!! That poem in the post below is so cute! What a cool tradition! So excited for you and your boys! :) Hope you are feeling better these days.