Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I changed the picture at the top of the blog in honor of Valentine's Day and my sweetie. Aaron is the love of my life and I'm grateful for every day I get with him. I'm so lucky to be married to such an awesome guy. As I get older I'm realizing V-Day is about much more than just your honey, but everyone that you love. It's so fun to share this day with three cute little boys whom I also love. Children make any holiday fun. So here's to love. Hope you all feel a little extra today. Happy Valentine's Day!
The boys presented my gifts last night. They were so fun!
They got tiger shirts for V-Day and Wesley was so excited to show his off. He was so super sweet today, telling everyone he saw "Happy Valentine's Day!" And I got lots of hugs and kisses. Love you Wes! I helped with Dillon's classroom party. Fun to be there.
My three favorite little boys on Valentine's Day!
Traditionally we do something like this for breakfast, but it didn't happen, so it was dinner this time around -- heart shaped oatmeal pancakes.
Two of my cute boys and flowers their daddy gave me!

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