Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cute phrases/moments

Dillon says and does all kinds of funny things, but here are a couple I wanted to make sure I documented: 1. Aaron has a really ugly brown vest he got at a thrift store. The other night he was going outside for a minute and put it on for a little warmth. As he walked by Dillon, he said, "Daddy get in a boat?" So funny! He thought Aaron was wearing a life jacket!! 2. We were looking at a picture and I was asking Dillon to name people. I pointed to Brittany and he suddenly yelled, "Oh, that's my friend, Brittany!" 3. Today we hosted the weekly playgroup. I helped seven 2-year-olds make Christmas trees out of construction paper. I purchased colored cotton balls for them to glue on like ornaments. There were a couple different sizes and the smallest was 1/2 the size of a pencil eraser. I tried to keep that size away from the kids, but about an hour after everyone had left, Dillon walked up to me and said, "Mommy, a little yellow ball in my nose." So after attempting to remove it myself, we went into the pediatrician to have it removed. It was a classic 2-year-old moment!! 4. Less than 48 hours after we visted the doctor for his nose, Dillon was back in the office with a gaping wound in his thumb! It got shut in our hide-away-bed. I was really worried we would need to get stiches but they were able to get away with using some special glue. The glue was supposed to stay on for about a week, but fell off after 24 hours thanks so the sweaty hand Dill inherited from his Mommy. So I had to bother the office again with a phone call. All we can do is a bandade and ointment from here on out. I think Piedmont Pediatrics is getting sick of us.


*LaUrA* said...

hahaha I love #3! My Carter(who is 18 months old) has decided peas are not for eating but for putting in his nose...needless to say peas can longer be on the menu!

Hi Natalie and Aaron! This is Laura(silvester) Van Noy. I look at your blog often but have never said HI!! I love to read about your happenings and Dillon is oh so cute!

Kimberly Porter said...

Your Dillon is such a cute boy. What fun moments!