Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ten Months Old

Our little boy is ten months old today!
Caleb has changed a lot this month. He's growing too fast... ...and moving too fast! Sometimes I feel like I'm raising a monkey :) He's into EVERYTHING! His new favorite spot is the bottom of the pantry. It would be a lot easier to get angry with him if he wasn't so cute! He sure can make a mess. While I'm picking up one, he's started another. I spend most of my day trying to keep him from utter disaster. He also loves the stairs so I constantly have to make sure he's not climbing, or falling! And he's impossible to dress. This kid won't hold still for one second!
His hair is getting longer and more curly -- I love it!
He's a handful but we love him to death!
Caleb is learning to give kisses. They are usually pretty wet and slobbery. He leans forward with his little tongue hanging right out! He usually leans right in as soon as I pull him out of bed since I usually give him a kiss then.
He likes soft things right in his face. When we're on the way to bed he'll snuggle into his blanket on my shoulder. (But only for a minute, he can't stand staying that still!)
Caleb likes to pinch his mommy's skin. If I have a short sleeve on, he gets his little fingers out and it hurts!
Caleb continues to love eating. His favorite this month is Cheerios. He also really likes the squeezable baby food packets. He literally inhales them! He's starting to get a little more picky, though, and will spit something out if he doesn't like it -- usually when he's just tasted something better!
He's had a rough month with sickness. He gets a red puffy face, poor kid. He's also gotten two more teeth -- he now has 4 on the top and 2 on bottom.
Caleb has started enjoying books. His favorite is Goodnight Moon. He gets his little pointer finger out -- so cute!

He talks more and more every day. I think he said his first word. He says "hi" while waving. It's usually a sideways hand opening and closing. Lots of "dit, dat" which I actually think means "Daddy." Sometimes he puts the two together - "hi dat." Caleb LOVES his daddy! He's getting loud – babbling all the time, growling and even singing. If he hears music he starts singing along.

Caleb just keeps changing and we keep liking him more and more!!


Jerusalem Girl said...

We love this little man! Man he is growing up and so are the other boys..crazy how fast life seems to go sometimes!

Gourley Family said...

Soooo cute! Looks a little like my life:)