Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pre-Christmas Moments

For the first time in 17 years, our ward didn't put on a live outdoor nativity, and instead had a traditional Christmas party.  The boys were excited when they got picked to be in the children's nativity for that night.  Wesley was THE CUTEST innkeeper in the world.   I was mad I didn't video his acting job as he shook his head that there was no room, but then guided Mary and Joseph to the stable. Priceless.

 Dillon played a pretty good wise man as well.  They were both so excited to be involved.
 All the kids did such a great job!
 Aaron and I also got to sing some traditional Austrian Christmas folk songs with an Austrian sister in our ward. I kind of butchered the German, but still had a lot of fun pretending to know what I was singing about :)

 I helped with Dillon's Holiday party at school. Fun to get to know the kids better and see Dillon interact with his classmates.

 A little elf found our house this year. The kids named him Eddy.

 A few days before we left for Idaho, he brought this note, letting us know one present would be arriving early.

The next day, this was waiting for the boys.
They were pretty excited to get downstairs to see what Eddy brought.
 Inside the packages they found the book "Polar Express" and a model train to go around the tree.
 Dillon was so excited!  This is actually what he asked Santa for, but it'll be a present the whole family will enjoy every holiday season.

  I have lots of catching up to do, so bear with me as I work to get up to date.  Happy New Year to everyone!

1 comment:

Shane and Amy Jo said...

Hooray for your early gift!!! This is SO fun for your family. Good Work!