Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dillon is NINE!

My big boy is nine years old!

 His birthday fell on a Saturday so we were able to have lots of fun!  We started with pancakes for breakfast and then let him open presents.

He was pretty excited about his new mountain bike!!
Aaron took the boys to the aquarium next and then shopped for new shoes.

That afternoon Dillon had a baseball game so we all went to cheer him on. We took cupcakes for the snack. (This was taken at a previous game)  This was his first year on a baseball team and we saw a lot of improvement over the season.  I'm so proud of him for trying something new. Plus, he got put on a Chicago team!!  Go White Sox!
 After the game we went to Red Robin for dinner --first time out to dinner with our family of six!

 He was pretty excited when they came out to sing to him.  Cute boy!
Dillon is great.  He has been so awesome with his new little brother.  He loves holding him and always talks about how cute he is.
If he's upset Dillon will try to calm him by singing "It's ok Todd" to the tune of It's a Small World.
 Dillon was recently recognized by having his poetry published with other student writers and was given the opportunity to read his poem at a special reading.  Proud of our little writer.
Dillon likes dinosaurs, trains, Star Wars, reading (he'd read with his head lamp all night if I didn't make him go to sleep eventually), biking, riding his scooter, swimming and climbing trees.  He has the best laugh, which Wesley is really good at getting out!  I'm glad he's my #1 boy!  Love you Dillon!

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