Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Monday, May 12, 2008

We're still here

I just wanted to put up a quick post to let you all know that I have not abandoned the world of blogging but just haven't been able to post much as of late. Aaron was in finals for the last two weeks so I didn't have much access to our computer. Here are some highlights of the month of May: Aaron took his last final exam EVER last Thursday! We spent this last weekend in Virginia Beach celebrating. I am babysitting a family with 6 children for the next three days. Aaron's parents fly in on Thursday for graduation (on Sunday). Dillon turns 3 on Saturday. Aaron's parents leave Tuesday and I leave that same day to fly to Chicago to find us a place to live. So I'll have lots to catch up on. Life is busy but good.


Becky R. said...

Congrats on being done with law school! Yea! And, happy birthday Dillon! I miss you guys, good luck with finding a home.

amanda said...

congrats to aaron on graduation! you guys are a cute family.