Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mommy moment

Dillon's primary (church) teacher has given him a couple books on CD with Bible stories and he's really been enjoying them. In addition to the stories, there are some fun little children's Christian songs and a couple computer activities as well. Today I walked into the kitchen and saw him moving to the beat and enjoying one of these songs. As it ended he said, "Mom, Jesus died for ME! And he died for you too, Wesley!" turning to his brother. I immediately felt the tears in my eyes and was so grateful that my little boy is learning about our Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for all of us. Tonight the missionaries joined us for dinner and when Dillon piped in and asked what a testimony is I told him he had already borne his today when he told me what he had learned about Jesus Christ and His atonement. What a wonderful reminder of our Savior, especially at this Easter time of year. Thanks for your testimony Dillon. I love you.