Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The big 3-0

My cute husband turned 30 today! That's a big one folks. He's suddenly feeling old -- grown up. He had to go to work as usual, but came home a little earlier than usual so we could have a little time for presents, dinner and cake.
The boys were bouncing off the walls. Dillon has been soooo excited about this. Yesterday I asked him what we should do for Daddy's birthday and he came up with a whole plan involving Hot Wheel cars, chocolate cake and dinner at Wendy's. He's under the impression that that is Aaron's favorite restaurant. Pretty funny. Kids definitely make birthdays more fun.
I even attempted a poem to tell him about his final present... (sorry for the weird formatting)
  • Hello my love, Happy Birthday to you! I’m not great at poems, but here’s one for you.
  • This birthday’s not any old birthday you see, This one is a BIG one, you’re turning THIRTY.
  • A lot has happened in three decades time. Some things have been rough and others sublime.
  • You had a good childhood, a great dad and mom. They taught you the Gospel and filled life with song.
  • Then off on your own things started to get crazy. But as a grown man, you have been far from lazy.
  • You finished your schooling, passed the Illinois bar, Moved to a new house, with a garage for your car.
  • You’ve been very blessed, you’ve had a good life. You have three great boys and a pretty hot wife!
  • So let’s do something fun, something to celebrate, But one celebration will be a bit late.
  • How does October 14th sound to you? A night on the town with hot “you know who”!
  • That’s right when our friends from Texas will be here, So watch out Keith Urban, ChanDusens can cheer!
  • Happy 30th Birthday Aaron! I love you!!! Pretty rough video, make sure you watch until the end for the nose picker.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband. Can't wait to see what the next decade brings!

1 comment:

Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

what a fun birthday! and i love the poem! very creative and a great gift!