Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patty's 2012!

We had quite the St. Patrick's Day this year. The night before, I made our annual green eggs and ham:
There's always lots of festivities in the city, but we've never participated before. With record breaking temperatures in the 80s, we decided this was the year to do it. I found out our awesome friends the Soelbergs had the same idea, so we made sure to meet up with them. I went to the temple early in the morning and left Aaron to round up the crew and drive into the city. I met up with everyone at the parking garage and we started our walk through the city to the parade. There were LOTS of people at the parade. It's so fun to see that many people in GREEN! We found a place on the grass and ate a little lunch while we waited for the parade to start.
With all the people, it was hard to see anything, so we took turns putting the boys on our shoulders.
The best part of the day was the company -- awesome friends! These two are so cute together...
And so are these two! Wesley calls Sara his buddy! He's even named a toy after her!
After the parade we wanted to get a good view of the green river. We decided our best bet was to take the water taxi.
The kids loved the boat ride.
And we saw plenty of green!
This is my favorite spot of the city -- where Michigan Ave and the river meet.
Caleb enjoyed the ride. What a trooper on a very long day!
Cute Wesley boy!
We had a wonderful day in the city...
...but the fun wasn't over. We went straight to a BBQ -- another chance to enjoy the PERFECT WEATHER! I had to take this picture of Caleb...
He NEVER stays in one place for more than about 2 seconds. But he loved this chair and just kept climbing into it and laying back and relaxing. It was so cute.
Yesterday I cooked our traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner with Irish Soda Bread. Our dear friends (Froerers) brought a most delicious green cake. So we've just done it all this year. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Lisa Fox said...

Wasn't the weather just the best. Glad you guys were able to go. Wish we could have ended up meeting up. By the way that water taxi looks so fun. We will definitely have to do that at some point!

Sara said...

Hooray! What a great day. We loved every minute of it!