So here's the quick version of the story of Wesley's birth for those interested: I had been having contractions on and off for a few days. Saturday morning I knew something was different because Wesley had dropped significantly lower in my tummy/pelvis. I was feeling a lot of "pressure." We went swimming and tried to keep ourselves busy so I didn't drive myself crazy timing contractions. That evening I was still having contractions at irregular increments but suddenly had a few that were much more intense. We put Dillon to bed, called our friend to have him come over and crash on our couch, and headed to the hospital.
We arrived at about 10:00PM and I was dilated to a 4 and 90% effaced. They wanted me to walk a little and make sure I was in "active labor" before they admitted me. After about 20 minutes of walking the contractions started coming much more regularly and were much more intense. I tried to tough it out for a bit, but it was a little rough. I was experiencing a lot of back labor. Aaron was awesome and kept rubbing my lower back to try and relieve some of the pain. As the contractions increased my emotions got the best of me. I was in a lot of pain, and along with that came some really hurt! We finally convinced the staff that I needed to be checked again. This time I was dilated to a 6 and 100% effaced. The "highlight" of the night, up until Wesley's actual birth of course, happened as they were moving me to another room: I had another terrible contraction and suddenly found myself on all fours in the middle of the hall. I think the nurses realized then how quickly my labor was progressing and that they should get the anesthesiologist.
I labored a while longer until the anesthesiologist finally arrived. I was REALLY happy to see him and happy to sign whatever needed to be signed so he could help me get some relief. After the epidural was administered I felt so much better. Aaron and I were able to relax a little. About the time Aaron finally relaxed enough to fall asleep (3:32AM) I suddenly heard the baby's heart monitor speed up and then slow way down. By 3:34AM a flood of nurses and doctors came running into the room instructing me to push and at 3:37AM our little Wesley was born! He had dropped into the birth canal quicker than expected, causing the irregular heartbeat so they wanted him out in a hurry to make sure he was okay. Fortunately all was well and we now we have a beautiful, healthy boy.
i saw on amy's blog that you had your baby. congratulations! he is beautiful. you are going to have so much fun with 2. our little baby is 4 months now and it just gets better by the minute. your family is beautiful. and good job on the birth it sounds like you did amazing.
Congrats! He is a beaut.
I'm so happy for you guys! He is so cute! What a good boy- he came early! How lucky are you! ;)
Take care and we'll be excited to see more pics as he grows!
Thanks for sharing your story! Sounds like you guys definitely worked amazingly as a team! Yay for your new little family of FOUR!
Congratulations on a healthy baby boy!
Loved the story...handsome little boy. I couldn't be happier for all of you!
Yay! You know I love birth stories! He is beautiful! I am so happy that everything went so well and so quickly for you! And you are beautiful too! That new mom glow! I'm so happy for your family!
WOW...what a handsome little guy! Two boys, how fun. Don't you hate when they make you walk around??? GRRR!
Congratulations! What a great story (minus the part about it taking a while to get an epidural - ugg!). You all look so cute as a family!
Wow! You were tough to go through all of that waiting and pain! Sounds like Aaron was a big comfort, and that you 2 made a great team! Wesely looks adorable, as well as Dillon (especially the pics where he is holding his little brother), and his "soon to be handling 2 boys" Mom! :) Congratulations!
Congratulations! I'm so glad I finally got a chance to read some blogs! He is adorable Natalie and Aaron! Oh, I wish I could meet him in person. How fun, it will be an adjustment, but think of how much fun your two boys will have growing up together! Also, Natalie, you looked great at the wedding-you made such a cute pregnant lady!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such a handsome boy. He does look a little like Dillon in the pictures, but like you said, his own look too. Oh, your story brought back so many memories of how much it really hurts to have those darn contractions! Sounds like you were a champ though, and have a beautiful boy to show for it! WAY TO GO NATALIE!! We're so happy for you. He's handsome, and you're beautiful!
WOW! We just read your latest blog postings and got all caught up in the Aaron, Nan, Dillon, and Wesley World...we are so happy for you guys! Way to go Nan :) Thank goodness for those anesthesiologists eh. Your new baby boy is a cute one for sure!
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