One of my favorite places to go around here is Chris Greene Lake. It is so great for kids. They have an area roped off that never gets too deep so you can just sit back and relax. This is what Dillon looked like when we went last week (the ball cap came off soon after this picture). These two pictures are what he looked like when he came home (sorry, I forgot to rotate the bottom picture). And this is what he looked like the next time we went. Needless to say, I learned my lesson. I applied 45 SPF sunblock the first time around, but apparently that was not enough. My little boy got a terrible sunburn!! As did his mommy. So we are both itching and peeling now. I invested in a swim shirt and bucket hat so hopefully we won't have this problem again. I feel really bad that he had to go through this experience in order for his mom to learn her lesson.
Dillon loved playing with his daddy in the water. Aaron is such an awesome dad!!!
Poor Dillon! I completely understand what it feels like to be burned so bad-it happened to me a lot growing up. Poor Lincoln got his skin from me too!
Poor Dillon! Looks like it hurts. I hope this baby comes early---good luck the next few weeks. Hang in there.
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