Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a great Easter around here. Last Thursday we had a little Easter Egg Hunt at the church.
Dillon was awesome, Wesley was grumpy about it. So I had Dillon grab a couple extra eggs to share with his brother when he came around. They were both pretty happy when they discovered all the candy inside! We had a fun little brunch afterward.
On Saturday we went to the village Easter Egg Hunt. It was pretty crazy--way too many kids--but still fun.
Once again, Dillon had significantly more success than his younger brother, but was thankfully willing to share again.
The weather was beautiful, so after the hunt we ran over to the park for a few minutes.
Easter morning the boys were pretty excited to see the Easter Bunny had made it to our house
And he managed to bring me some much needed rain boots too!
After a nice day at church and traditional ham and potato dinner, we pulled out the eggs to color.
The boys had a blast and ended up with some fun colors. Meanwhile I prepared and served strawberry shortcake---yum!
We had a great Easter and it was nice to spend a little time as a family---those moments are always when I feel the happiest. And I can't forget to mention the real meaning of this sacred holiday. I am so grateful for a loving Savior that suffered for each and every one of us. I am so lucky to have a knowledge of His full plan for us. Easter is such a great excuse to really REMEMBER Him.
The week ahead is sure to be pretty crazy since I am scheduled to be induced tomorrow. I love my boys so much and am excited to welcome another one into our home!

1 comment:

Sarah and Trent said...

Good luck!! I am so excited for you guys. And your last post was so precious. And I love your rain boots! :)