Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Proud Mommy Moment

Let me preface this by saying my children are definitely not the best behaved children in church. My mother was so good at making all of us sit on the bench and I am a little more of a pushover. If they are playing quietly and their feet happen to be on the floor, I just don't fight it. And we're still working on the whispering thing. They forget so quickly. But today they were actually sitting next to each other on the bench while the bread and water for the sacrament were being passed. Dillon leaned over to Wesley and said, "Do you know what the bread is supposed to help us think about?"

Wesley, in a very loud whisper: "What?"

Dillon: "It's to help us think about Jesus' body."

Wesley: "Oh."

Dillon: "And do you know what the water is supposed to help us remember?"

Wesley: "What?"

Dillon: "We're supposed to remember Jesus' blood."

Wesley: "Oh."

I was definitely fighting back the tears. Then a few minutes later Wesley turned to me asking again for a snack I told him had to wait until after the sacrament, to which he responded, "Oh yeah, after the sacrament, when the bread makes us think about Jesus' body and the water helps us remember His blood." Children really are little sponges and we just have to make sure we provide the good stuff to be soaked in. I'm so grateful for my boys and that they do in fact listen to me on occasion and hopefully will grow up to be righteous little priesthood men!

1 comment:

Kimber Menssen said...

I loved this post! It makes me excited that I'm going to have two boys in a little while too. Hurray for big brothers who teach and little brothers who love to learn and listen. :)