Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I think I've been tagged, so here I go: 10 years ago: I was a skinny junior in high school in Twin Falls, ID. I had a crush on an acne-stricken, but really fun, boy who is now my husband--he was dating someone else. 5 things on my list to do tomorrow: Go to the National Zoo with my boys (It's Spring Break!) Things I Enjoy: Music, aerobics, family, Cinnamon Bears What would I do if I were a billionaire?: Pay off student loans, buy a home, have a weekly massage, travel, put the rest in savings. 3 of my bad habits: 1) nail nibbling; 2) I'm bad at picking up after myself; 3) worrying Places I have lived: Washington, DC; Twin Falls, ID; Provo, UT; Charlottesville, VA; Chicago, IL 5 jobs I have had: 1. Lifeguard/swim teacher (2 different locations); 2. Adaptive Aquatics Coordinator; 3. Medical Assistant; 4. Pier One Assistant Manager 5 things people don't know about me 1) I am missing one tooth on the bottom--the permanent tooth never came in; 2) I can't whistle; 3) I sucked my thumb until I was 5 years old; 4) I have epilepsy; 5) I have a fear of swimming in open water (e.g., lakes, oceans). I'm fine as long as I can still touch the bottom--quite the lifeguard, huh! I officially tag anyone who has yet to be tagged since most of you have.

1 comment:

Debbie and Bobby said...

yep you were tagged! I think you are the only person I've ever tagged that actually did it! I'm not the best at following through on those but it was fun to do!