Chandler Fam

Chandler Fam

Friday, April 29, 2011

Family of Five

We've graduated to a family of five! Kind of crazy, but so far it's been great.
The boys were so excited to come to the hospital to meet Caleb. They were super sweet with him.
I almost cried when Wesley spontaneously kissed him on the head, without being prompted. He's been pretty nice with him, constantly trying to share toys with him and give him his binkie -- even when he's fast asleep!
Dillon could not be more proud. He runs through the door from school looking for Caleb. He'll just sit and hold him for 20 minutes, softly touching his little hands and face. It's pretty sweet.
I love my boys. Let the craziness begin!


Becky R. said...

Congratulations! How exciting, and he is so precious. I hope you're doing well, and your boys are just so cute!

jenny said...

This sounds oddly familiar!! And that last picture just says it all. ;)

Shannon said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! You look great!

Kimber Menssen said...

Congrats! Three boys!!! Awesome! :) I hope that you get spoiled on Mother's Day this weekend.

Diana said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys. I can say from experience that three of a kind is great. Simple in a way. I hope you are doing well with the much anticipated THIRD CHILD! My third baby was a dream so all my worry was for nothing. Best wishes.

Annie Ogle said...

He's beautiful Natalie and Aaron, congratulations!